Greenhouse is our vehicle of discipleship, and every year it gets upgraded. We're so excited to introduce you to Greenhouse 2024 and make no mistake... IT IS FOR YOU! It’s for the corporate executive, it’s for the retired, it’s for the single parent, it’s for the young adult, it’s for the international traveller, it’s for the university student, it’s for the housebound homemaker. It’s for every country; for every culture; for people of every age and every stage.

WHY? Because discipleship has no exceptions. If you want to follow Christ and you are planted in Kingdomcity, Greenhouse is for you. It isn’t a course you cram in or something to tick off your list, it’s a culture, a mindset, an environment for those committed to lifelong growth. It’s doable and dynamic without diluting the disciplines of discipleship.

The adventure of following God awaits.



Everyone is a leader and has ministry gifts, even if it's just within the context of leading yourself. Your ability to lead yourself is the key to leading in every setting of life - stewarding and sharpening your ministry gifts is a privilege. The value of learning about ministry is that you learn how to use these gifts in a far more effective and fruitful way.

This stream is broken up into two parts. In Terms 1 and 2, Mark Varughese will teach leadership principles from the wealth of his experience, centring around a culture of leadership and passing the tests of leadership. Both principles are extremely useful and valuable, no matter your role or industry, or what scope or scale your leadership is currently at. In Terms 3 and 4, Mike Connell and Mervin Jayaseela will teach you strategies on how to lead yourself and others through deliverance and overcoming negative emotions.

If you want to grow as a leader and in your capacity to minister, this is the stream for you!


Bringing The Reality is a stream designed to equip and empower you to powerfully represent Jesus Christ and His Kingdom in every area of your world. If you are passionate about making a difference in your community, workplace, family, and the world’s nations, this is your stream. You will learn about the Kingdom of God and the role of the church and every believer in releasing the values of the Kingdom into all spheres of society, through a culture of love, service and influence.

Throughout the year, Martin Steel will focus on elements such as Kingdom, Evangelism, Mission, Vocation, Marketplace Ministry and Influencing Society.

He will host guests who are proven Spirit-filled practitioners in areas such as business, media and arts, sports, politics, education, and international law and policy.

Together, we will continue the mandate of bringing heaven to earth and the reality of God to this world!


In Healthy Relationships, Mervin Jayaseela unpacks the Biblical truths we need to apply and the principles required to sustain all our relationships. Students will begin with personal freedom and recovery, which is the foundation to all healthy relationships. We will focus on the family unit, parenting, functional and dysfunctional family patterns, singlehood, sexuality, preparation for marriage, and specific struggles many people face in marriage.

The principles and truths taught throughout the year, combined with ministry, will heal and restore broken relationships and develop your emotional capacity to care, love, and build satisfying and transforming relationships in your family, community and Connect Groups.


How do I hear God’s voice? What does it look and feel like to be led by the Holy Spirit? How do I know the will of God for me in a particular matter?

A Spirit-Led life is all about living your Christian life empowered by the Holy Spirit. Rather than being led by your carnal nature, God intends for you to live your life led and guided by His Spirit living within you. In this stream, David Storer’s teachings will give deep and detailed practical instruction on how to increase your sensitivity to the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit in your everyday life. Applying the principles taught in this stream will revive your relationship with God as you unlearn erroneous beliefs, establish and embrace new ones, and live out a Spirit-Led Life on the adventure God has for you.


Words don’t matter, how we picture words working matters.

Having a basic understanding of God’s Word is very important in our lives. Everyone who engages in debates about the accuracy, relevance and hard parts of the Bible needs to do this stream. If you want your Bible reading to come alive and have the context it deserves, look no further.

Shane Willard opens the truth of the Scriptures from a rabbinical and Hebraic perspective, enabling you to see God’s Word in a completely new way, bringing fresh spiritual revelations and a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.

You will learn about genre, authorship and history, whilst engaging with the story of the narrative leading to Jesus Christ.

The Bible will come alive and be made applicable to your life today.


You are already perfect, whole and complete by God’s design. God didn’t make you to be fearful and anxious. He designed you to live a wonderful, fulfilled and functional life.

Wholeness is about releasing the “True You” that you already are, by removing the restraining hindrances in your life so your wholeness can naturally arise.

In this stream, David Storer will teach you how to deal with thought patterns that are holding you in a cycle of suffering, receive inner healing from past trauma, and live in freedom from oppression.

The best “you” is a healed and whole “you”! For your marriage, for your community and for you as an individual. This stream is a must for anyone who wants to become fully alive.


Spiritual Disciplines will strengthen your journey with Christ. It will teach you to walk intimately with Jesus until His nature is formed in you. It will help you find freedom from the internal curse of self-interest and fear. Spiritual Disciplines opens the door for the Holy Spirit to bring inner transformation and joy into your life.

More than teaching, you will learn how to practice being spiritually disciplined throughout the year.

Mervin Jayaseela will teach the discipline of prayer, reading the Word of God, journaling, waiting in the presence of God, worship, humility, obedience and generosity. We then move into corporate disciplines including; discipleship, community, mentoring, accountability, serving and corporate fasting.

Transformation happens as you strengthen your relationship with Jesus. Everyone benefits when you take the time to learn new spiritual disciplines and reinforce the ones you already know. Your desire to know and love God will fuel these disciplines.


Immerse yourself in Genesis & Romans and join Bible expert Shane Willard in a thrilling exploration of these foundational Christian texts.

Get ready for deep insights and fresh perspectives!

Imagine a world where each person navigated chaos in a way that shows the creation narrative instead of the fall. How would this change everything?

In Terms 1 and 2, Shane Willard weaves together 12 key narratives in the Genesis account and explores the cure for chaos, the overpromised nature of perfection, purpose, internal discontent, floods, boats, gardens, towers and technology, and the role one family played in changing the world.

In Terms 3 and 4, you will journey through Paul’s letter to the church in Rome, where Jews and Gentiles were trying to navigate how to live together. The Gentiles had converted and worshipped the Jewish God yet ignored some of their rules. One can only imagine the problems that would have created! Paul outlines a vision of how we can all live in peace now. Peace with God is evidenced by peace with others.


Every Greenhouse 2024 student is invited to be part of a historic missions week for our church. From the 4th to the 10th of November this year, Kingdomcity Greenhouse is going on mission. There are seven destinations we are going to, and the only challenge is to choose your missions experience. We will be sending teams to Phnom Penh, Dubai, Colombo, Lusaka, Mexico City, Kota Kinabalu, and Bali.

Dates: 4th – 10th November, 2024

Locations: Phnom Penh, Dubai, Colombo, Lusaka, Mexico City, Kota Kinabalu, and Bali

Missions Map


If you have any questions about enrolments or Greenhouse in 2025, please email us at greenhouse@kingdomcity.com.
